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10월, 2019의 게시물 표시

Burnscar treatment (#burnscar)

Everyone has an irreversible scar. It might be a scar in your heart after a break-up, or maybe it can be a visible scar on your skin. A scar in the heart can be very painful and last for a long time. But a visible scar also can last long and it can make you feel pain. This is ‘a burn-scar’ that brings pain to both your body and your heart. Once you get burned, you might see a blister. And after a few days, it might be gone. But when the #burn is broad and deep, it might be there for the rest of your life. And that’s why a lot of burn patients get hurt over and over again, making them depressed. ​ Some do not give up and go to a #burn-scar specialized hospital, but they find that the scar is still after the surgeries. And they give up again. Just like a Möbius strip, burn patients go through the process of expectations-hope-frustration and expectations over and over again, dreaming about going back to the days before they got the burn )scar. Also, some people

What is the treatment for the old burn scar? (#burnscartreatment)

What is the treatment for the old burn scar? On average, the burn scar is as old as 10~15 years. In the meantime, the patient went through a skin transplant and different laser surgeries. But so many patients couldn’t feel that it has got better. That’s why they visit the hospital with less hope. They go through several treatments, and the wound in the heart gets deeper as each treatment is over. Later, the patients are in the resignation-like state. As hope and frustration repeat themselves each time,the patients start to give up slowly. But in our hospital, we encourage patients saying that it’s yet too early to give up.And we cheer them up numerous times during the process and say that you have to be stronger to go through all the frustration you might face while getting the treatment. ​ However, many patients have already gone through frustration after frustration, and are not moved by any cheerful or encouraging words. Also when the patients go through skin transplant

가을 여행지 설악산 외설악

설악산은 설악동 신흥사 방향의 외설악과 백담사 권역의 내설악으로 구분되어져 있는데요 오늘 사진은 외설악쪽 사진인데 사진만으로도 가을냄새가 풍기는 듯해 소개해드립니다. ~ 멀리서만 바라 봐도 설악산의 절경이 참 웅장해 보이네요. 내설악과 외설악의 구분은 내륙쪽을 내설악, 바다쪽을 외설악이라고 하는데 내설악은 인제군에 포함된 안산에서 대청봉까지를 말하고 외설악은 속초시 고성군의 바다쪽을 말한다고 하네요 외설악쪽으로 폭포와 계곡이 많은 곳이랍니다. 이 사진들은 모두 미소사랑의원 서정권대표원장님께서 직접 찍으신 사진들이예요. (분위기 있는 사진이죠.!!  조리개값,심도, 빛의 양, 노출값 조절이 잘 되어야 이런 사진을 얻을 수 있답니다 ^^) https://youtu.be/cv0Z1f1QV90

교통사고 흉터 피부이식, 성형수술 후에도 심한 흉터 마지막은 핀홀셀요법

Burn injury is different from burn scar.( Miso sarang clinic in korea ) #burnscar #burnscarremoval #burnscartreatment

Burn injury is different from burn scar. Burn injury is the injury that you will have for 6 months after the skin got burned, which includes feeling pain and having inflammation. While burn scar is the scar that you acquire after 6 months to 2 years from the day you got burned. This means that burn scar acquire after burn injury recovered, when inflammation doesn’t occur anymore. And this also means that there is no more treatment can be done for the burn injury therefore scar is formed; however formed scar can still aches and itches sometimes. There are 3 types of burn in total. First-degree burns  are considered mild compared to other burns. They result in pain and reddening of the epidermis Second-degree burns affect the epidermis and the dermis (lower layer of skin). They  cause pain , redness, swelling, and blistering. Third-degree burns  go through the dermis and affect deeper tissues. They result in white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb. Whe