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이 블로그의 인기 게시물

The pinholxel method can also be used to treat Nevus #Comendonicus!

The pinholxel method can also be used to treat Nevus #Comendonicus! It is newly discovered that the pinholxel method, which is very #effective at treating burn scars, can also be used to treat Nevus #Comendonicus. First I’d like to give you a simple introduction of a rare disease called Nevus comedonicus. An article from Google has posted the details. 『 The nevus was described in 1895 under the term “comedo nevus.” The typical lesion is an overgrowth of clumps of papules, usually with a central black firm center. These are morphologically blackheads, later evolving into inflammatory  acne . For this reason, later lesions may appear nodular, pustular or abscessed. Significant scar formation is a natural post-inflammatory sequel of these lesions. The lesions are formed by obstruction of the hair follicle canal, leading to the accumulation of black keratinized material within dilated follicular openings arranged close together. This material is not easily taken out.

Miso Sarang Clinic is using Pinholxel Method to treat on #burnscars.

Miso Sarang Clinic is using Pinholxel Method to treat on #burnscars. Pinholxel Method is a treatment that combines both Pinhole treatment and CO2 fractional laser. Pinhole Treatment uses basic laser to perform treatment.  CO2 laser is the classic type of laser that is widely used by doctors. There are ways to be a better doctor if one knows how to use the laser well. To share more about #CO2 fractional laser, it has a square room like a cell and emits more than 50 laser beams at one go. The laser can also be adjusted accordingly to make sure that the holes made have the same size and depth. Both of the lasers uses CO2.  This means that they have similarities in them. And the difference is one makes bigger holes and one makes smaller holes. What happen is, our skin reacts differently when the holes made by the laser are big and when the holes made by the laser are small.  It might burden and cause side effects to the scar for some pat

Burn injury is different from burn scar.( Miso sarang clinic in korea ) #burnscar #burnscarremoval #burnscartreatment

Burn injury is different from burn scar. Burn injury is the injury that you will have for 6 months after the skin got burned, which includes feeling pain and having inflammation. While burn scar is the scar that you acquire after 6 months to 2 years from the day you got burned. This means that burn scar acquire after burn injury recovered, when inflammation doesn’t occur anymore. And this also means that there is no more treatment can be done for the burn injury therefore scar is formed; however formed scar can still aches and itches sometimes. There are 3 types of burn in total. First-degree burns  are considered mild compared to other burns. They result in pain and reddening of the epidermis Second-degree burns affect the epidermis and the dermis (lower layer of skin). They  cause pain , redness, swelling, and blistering. Third-degree burns  go through the dermis and affect deeper tissues. They result in white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb. Whe