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keloid scar and Hypertropic scar (#keloid #keloidscar #Hypertropicscar)

Scar is a result of a normal process of healing wound. And there are various kinds of scars depending on what kinds of wound you have. Scars from being cut or scratch go away naturally, but ones from surgery, amputation or burn have reddish or dark color and protuberant shape.
These kinds of scars not only can cause a mental pain, but they might also hinder movement or cause itchiness, interfering with everyday lives. A scar is a new skin tissue that is generated after existing skin tissue is destroyed and new tissue and veins are being made during a wound healing process.
There are different kinds of scars, such as flat, white, caved, long-stretched, reddish or dark protuberant scars.
Flat and white scars are the most common kind. At first it might be red or protuberant but this will disappear naturally with time.
Caved scars are mostly caused by pimples, nail marks or chickenpox. It can be red and protuberant sometimes.
Long-stretched ones are scars that have long stretched skin around healed wound, and have similar shape with a stretch marks caused by pregnancy.
Red or dark protuberant scars are called hypertropic or keloid scar in a medical terms.

Hypertropic scar
From a few months to three years
Naturally disappear
More than several years. Semi-permanent.
Rarely disappear naturally
Does not invade into the true skin.
Invade into the true skin and proliferate through the normal skin around.
Recurrence after a surgical removal is scarce.
Recurrence after a surgical removal is common.

And Keloid is different from Atopic dermatitis, there are some simple descriptions found online that can help us understand the difference.
Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that occur at the site of a skin injury. They occur where trauma, surgery, blisters, vaccinations, acne or body piercing have injured the skin. Less commonly, keloids may form in places where the skin has not had a visible injury. Keloids differ from normal mature scars in composition and size. Some people are prone to keloid formation and may develop them in several places. Harvard medical school. 2019

Dermatitis is a general term that describes an inflammation of the skin. There are different types of dermatitis, including seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). though the disorder can have many causes and occur in many forms, it usually involves swollen, reddened and itchy skin.
The difference between #hypertropic scar and #keloid is that hypertropic scar does not get bigger and invade over normal skins around, but keloid does.
During the normal wound healing process, hypertropic or keloid scar might happen as result of over-accumulation of collagen. Hypertropic and Keloid scar is caused by various complicated reasons, and it is said that there is still no certain cause discovered yet. These scars are only found in humans and occur in a 5 to 15% of every wound. Non-white people are five to fifteen times more likely to get one of these and a person in a growth phase is more vulnerable than elderly people. Hypertropic scar stays inside the border of the scar, but keloid invade over the border. Cut wound across skin tension, thick skin, earlobe, chest and shoulders are most vulnerable area.

When wound happens in a human body, the natural healing process goes through several steps. The first three to four days of healing process are followed by a more fundamental healing process, during which lots of collagen will be generated. After six months, generation and dissolution of collagen balances each other out, making proliferation stops. However, if dissolution does not happen after six months, the wound cause hypertropic or keloid scar.
#Hypertropic scar is broad and protuberant, and it can last around one year and rarely two years. But it almost never lasts over two years and the affected area is limited within the wound. Also, it does not invade into normal skins. However, #Keloid scar spill over the normal skin and has much more severe protuberance. And it does not disappear even after a few years.
If you watch our youtube video, you can hear an easy and detailed explanation about how a scar happens and how long it takes to treat one.

When you get burned, car accident or skin-transplant surgery, resulting in a huge scar, you might go through a lot of surgeries or treatments. In MisoLove clinic, we only offer a non-surgical laser treatment called ‘pinholxel method’ for each scar. In a laser treatment we recognize traits of each scar precisely. This treatment utilizes a ‘rebound-phenomenon,’ a tendency to go back to its original scar state. The pinholxel method is applied after diagnosing the range, depth and characteristics of a scar precisely. And according to each scar, we might also apply a steroid shots, moisturizer, steroid ointment, silicon sheet, and skin treatment and make an optimized system for the best result.
There is not a single same #scar. That’s why treatment differs for each scar after analyzing the traits of every scar. To be precise, pinholxel method adopts a different and deliberated approach for every situation to solve each problem. Only a combination of an accurate diagnosis, treatment and laser surgery will make a scar disappear.

This dramatic result of burn scar treatment is only possible with our director Jeong-Kwon Seo of MisoLove clinic who devoted his whole life to finding out an accurate understanding of a scar.
The result shows how much efforts and interests he put into to change a scar into a normal skin.
For the representative director of MisoLove clinic Jeong-Kown Seo, every scar is removable.
From old and severe scar to skin transplant scar, car accident scar and plastic surgery scar, pinholxel method requires a lot of attention so the number of patients who can be treated each time is limited. So you must make a reservation to have a treatment. In MisoLove Clinic, we do not give a treatment to patients who can also have a good result in other hospitals and guide them to other facilities. We ask for your understanding. This is because we want to give more opportunities to the patients who have more severe suffering. Not every pinholxel have the same results. We need to analyze the traits of a scar precisely and add other treatments (shots and medications) properly to make a dramatic results looking like a normal skin.
The laser treatment for #removing scar using pinholxel method usually takes about two years (every scar requires different time and interval).

The first one year is pinholxel method period and it’s followed by additional one year of microcell laser (fractional laser). Two years might sound like a long time for a scar treatment, but this time might be the happiest time for your life and would not feel that long..
Pinholxel method is a treatment that makes fine holes with CO2 laser, and by doing that it dissolute agglomerate collagen and generating new skin. It is a very effective method for #removing burn scar, whole body burn scar, skin transplant scar. Pinhoxel and fractional laser are different in terms of how they make holes. After an accurate diagnosis, we consider what would be the best option. Depending the severity of scar, the holes we make can be bigger and intentionally cause more inflammation. For a bigger hole, we use pinholxel laser. The diagnosis made by doctor changes the location and direction of laser and thus changes size, depth and distance of holes.
With different method applied, the post treatment, so called #wound-dressing, changes too. After going home we give a guidance for the patient to do the dressing alone. This guidance is different for each patient. Our medical employees are checking by phone to help patients do it well home.
Also, depending on the scar, a fractional laser surgery is done at the same time with a pinhoxel. By fractional laser we make much smaller holes than the ones made by pinholxel laser. The way the holes are made is decided by analyzing the estimated impacts on the scar. Both pinholxel and fractional laser are CO2 lasers. These CO2 lasers are adjusted to the depth of a scar and make holes in a regular or irregular distance that is similar to pores.
Laser treatment has shorter recovering time and less pain compared to other surgical #scar removing treatment. For every two to three months, we apply around 5 times of surgery in each session (for every surgery it might differ), and it only requires a surface anesthesia. After the surgery the patient goes home right away. To prevent an infection we prescribe antibiotics and apply a regeneration band. Depending on each scar, the post treatment and cautions change. We explain it in detail by consulting each patient.
We give treatments for #old and severe scar, the scar given up by #other hospitals, #skin-transplant scar, #skin-transplant burn scar, #keloid and hypertropic scars. Overall, the scar gets removed around 60 to 80% compared to the condition before the treatment.
What gets removed is the #characteristics of scars (color, surface, texture and symptoms). You can check out #before and after pictures of pinholxel treatment on #MisoLove clinic website.

☞ Characteristics of Scar
Protuberant parts become flat.
Firm parts become softer.
Wrinkled area become smoothed.
Red or brownish area recovers normal skin color.
The distinct border line of scar become blurry to the point of being almost invisible.
​Caved part become filled with flesh and flat.
If you have a scar around joint area, in many cases a tightening pain is accompanied but all these pains gets relieved.
You will see how much efforts the director Jeong-Kwon Seo put into by seeing the results. Check out the before and after pictures on MisoLove Clinic’s website. Please don’t be worried by #scar anymore and visit our website and youtube channel before you make any important decisions. Our pictures even can be used as a textbook for scar-removal and the results shown in the pictures are unbelievably dramatic.
There is no such thing as two same scars.
Since every scar is different, the treatments for each scar also differ.
Through our youtube video, you will understand the different methods of treatment.
We are making medical records for each patient in such a detail since we apply different methods for each scars.
We are recording messages, phone calls and consultations in detail. We are also recording living habits of every patient to consider the impacts of next pinholxel surgery with pinpoint accuracy.
After each session it does not end there. We check the pictures again and make medical records to give you the treatment that is optimized for every different characteristics of scars.
Director Seo always say this sentence to the patient after the treatment is over.
Thank you for trusting and following my directions.
It might be nothing but I think the director says this because he knows that getting treatment and changing life habit for two years are not that easy. The results are possible only because the doctor and the patient become a one team. That is what Doctor Seo says whenever he sees pictures of the patients. Sometimes he becomes a kind, sometimes a disciplining, or sometimes encouraging doctor and this give a lot of hope to someone who is suffering from a burn scar.


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  3. A keloid scar is an enlarged, raised scar that may be pink, pink, pores and skin-coloured or darker than the encompassing skin.Keloid Treatment In Dubai They can increase after very minor skin damage, which includes an zits spot or a piercing, and unfold past the authentic vicinity of pores and skin damage.


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The pinholxel method can also be used to treat Nevus #Comendonicus!

The pinholxel method can also be used to treat Nevus #Comendonicus! It is newly discovered that the pinholxel method, which is very #effective at treating burn scars, can also be used to treat Nevus #Comendonicus. First I’d like to give you a simple introduction of a rare disease called Nevus comedonicus. An article from Google has posted the details. 『 The nevus was described in 1895 under the term “comedo nevus.” The typical lesion is an overgrowth of clumps of papules, usually with a central black firm center. These are morphologically blackheads, later evolving into inflammatory  acne . For this reason, later lesions may appear nodular, pustular or abscessed. Significant scar formation is a natural post-inflammatory sequel of these lesions. The lesions are formed by obstruction of the hair follicle canal, leading to the accumulation of black keratinized material within dilated follicular openings arranged close together. This material is not easily taken out.

Miso Sarang Clinic is using Pinholxel Method to treat on #burnscars.

Miso Sarang Clinic is using Pinholxel Method to treat on #burnscars. Pinholxel Method is a treatment that combines both Pinhole treatment and CO2 fractional laser. Pinhole Treatment uses basic laser to perform treatment.  CO2 laser is the classic type of laser that is widely used by doctors. There are ways to be a better doctor if one knows how to use the laser well. To share more about #CO2 fractional laser, it has a square room like a cell and emits more than 50 laser beams at one go. The laser can also be adjusted accordingly to make sure that the holes made have the same size and depth. Both of the lasers uses CO2.  This means that they have similarities in them. And the difference is one makes bigger holes and one makes smaller holes. What happen is, our skin reacts differently when the holes made by the laser are big and when the holes made by the laser are small.  It might burden and cause side effects to the scar for some pat

Burn injury is different from burn scar.( Miso sarang clinic in korea ) #burnscar #burnscarremoval #burnscartreatment

Burn injury is different from burn scar. Burn injury is the injury that you will have for 6 months after the skin got burned, which includes feeling pain and having inflammation. While burn scar is the scar that you acquire after 6 months to 2 years from the day you got burned. This means that burn scar acquire after burn injury recovered, when inflammation doesn’t occur anymore. And this also means that there is no more treatment can be done for the burn injury therefore scar is formed; however formed scar can still aches and itches sometimes. There are 3 types of burn in total. First-degree burns  are considered mild compared to other burns. They result in pain and reddening of the epidermis Second-degree burns affect the epidermis and the dermis (lower layer of skin). They  cause pain , redness, swelling, and blistering. Third-degree burns  go through the dermis and affect deeper tissues. They result in white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb. Whe